Artificial Intelligence segmentation on dental implant

Datum und Uhrzeit

September 21, 2023
17:00 Uhr




For doctors

Join us for a webinar where we describe the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) segmentation on dental implant planning.
We will highlight the role of AI as an innovative tool that enables implantologists to streamline workflow, predict implant survival and optimize treatment planning. At this session we will guide you through new real-life implant cases and demonstrate AI in action.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how artificial intelligence technology can improve your implant dentistry practice, stay at the forefront of dental innovation, and increase your efficiency and patient outcomes.


Diogo Viegas
Dr. Diogo Viegas
Professor Faculty of Dental Medicine of Lisbon


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WhatsApp Image 2023-12-15 at 15.08.09
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