Unleashing the Power of AI in Dentistry: Stand Out in Today's Competitive Market

Datum und Uhrzeit

März 7, 2023
0:00 Uhr




For doctors

What you will learn at the webinar:

  • Overview of the current state of the dental market and the challenges dentists face in standing out from the competition Introduction to AI technology and its potential applications in dentistry
  • How AI can help dentists streamline processes and reduce costs, ultimately benefiting both their practice and their patients
  • Case studies and examples of successful implementation of AI in dental practices
  • Discussion of the ethical implications of using AI in dentistry and how to ensure that patient privacy and autonomy are protected
  • Q&A session with the presenter to address specific questions and concerns from attendees.


Dr. Alex Sanders
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Founder and CEO of Diagnocat


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