Transform and grow your practice with the 5 levels of Artificial Intelligence utilization

Datum und Uhrzeit

September 14, 2023
15:00 Uhr




For doctors

You are cordially invited to join us for an upcoming webinar with Dr. Alex Sanders, PHD Prosthodontics to learn about the 5 levels of Artificial Intelligence utilization:

  • Diagnostic level – see the significant benefits of using AI on bitewings, pans and CBCT images.
  • Efficiency – increase accuracy and speed in diagnostics to overcome the challenges of interpreting complicated CBCT radiographs using AI.
  • Improve communication with patients – see how radiological reports generated with the help of Diagnocat AI improve trust and communication at case presentations, leading to increases in treatment acceptance.
  • Collaboration – learn about how Diagnocat AI can foster collaboration among dental professionals and help streamline treatment planning.
  • Competition – discover AI’s competitive advantage in differentiating your practice in today’s competitive dental market.


Dr. Alex Sanders
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Founder and CEO of Diagnocat


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Selbstständige Allgemeinmediziner und Fachärzte, die ihre persönliche Marke entwickeln wollen
Multispezialisierte Kliniken und zahnärztliche Dienstleistungsorganisationen
Etablierte zahnärztliche Organisationen und Praxen, die mehrere spezialisierte zahnärztliche Behandlungen anbieten
Laboratorien und Diagnosezentren
Dentallaboratorien, die Dienstleistungen für unabhängige Zahnarztpraxen oder für mehrere Fachrichtungen erbringen

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