Clinical application of AI in dental implantology

Datum und Uhrzeit

Juni 14, 2023
13:00 Uhr




For doctors

Join us for an exciting webinar where we will explore AI segmentation as an important step in different planning dental softwares, revolutionizing the field of implantology.

We will look into how to deal with important anatomical structures like the dental inferior alveolar nerve, maxillary sinus, pathological areas and bone boundaries.

In this webinar, we will walk you through three real-life implantology cases, demonstrating the practical application of AI:

  • Single-unit implant in the aesthetic area: Discover how AI segmentation assists dentists in placing dental implants in aesthetic area
  • Sinus lift: Understand how AI technology aids in planning and performing sinus lift procedures
  • Full arch: Explore the challenges of full arch rehabilitation and witness how AI segmentation simplifies the planning process. During the webinar, we will emphasize the role of AI as an innovative tool, enabling implantologists to facilitate the workflow, predict implant survival rates, and optimize treatment planning.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how AI technology can elevate your implantology practice.

Join us for an engaging session where we will showcase the transformative impact of AI segmentation on dental implant planning. Stay at the forefront of dental innovation and improve your efficiency and treatment outcomes.


Diogo Viegas
Dr. Diogo Viegas
Professor Faculty of Dental Medicine of Lisbon


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