How AI software transformed my work as a dentist: 3.5 years of experience in a referral clinic

Datum und Uhrzeit

März 27, 2025
17:00 Uhr



We invite you to join our upcoming webinar focused on the transformation of dental practice using AI software.
Dr. Laurens Wiggers will share his 3.5 years of experience in using Diagnocat and tell you what advantages he noted for dental practice.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Diagnocat is Artificial Intelligence for 2D and 3D Image Analysis Automated analysis of CBCT, panoramic and intraoral X-rays to assisting doctors in achieving accurate diagnostics.
  • Why Diagnocat? Key Advantages of the Service High accuracy, fast image processing and intuitive visualization.
  • AI is Diagnostic Assistant: Fast and Precise Results Automatic detection of pathologies and conditions, treatment quality control and reduced risk of errors.
  • Saving Doctors‘ Time and Increasing Patient Trust Rapid image analysis, data visualization, and clear patient-friendly reports.
  • Referring Dentists Trust More pathology found on CBCT, how to convince the referring dentist and share the diagnoses.
  • Real Clinical Cases: How Diagnocat Transforms Dental Practice Review of successful Diagnocat cases in implantology and restorative dentistry.
  • Diagnocat Integration into Your Clinic: Easy, Fast, and Effective Simple setup, compatibility with various systems, and enhanced clinic competitiveness with various systems.

We look forward to seeing you online!


Laurens Wiggers

NVOI-certified dentist-implantologist, specializing in implantology, aesthetic dentistry, and full mouth rehabilitation.
Founder & CEO, CIET - Dental Implant Practice


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Laurens Wiggers
Nächstes Webinar
März 27, 2025 |
17:00 Uhr
How AI software transformed my work as a dentist: 3.5 years of experience in a referral clinic

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