Diagnocat AI passed SOC 2 TYPE II audit: Quality Assured

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Aktualisiert: Juli 29, 2024
Veröffentlicht: Juli 29, 2024

Services at Diagnocat AI meets quality standards and has successfully passed an independent SOC 2 audit. This confirms our secure data protection measures.

We passed an independent audit

And we received a SOC2 Type II report confirming that our processes meet the requirements of the AICPA international standard.
This highlights the 24*7 active security processes at Diagnocat AI.

What is SOC 2?

Service and Organization Controls 2 https://www.aicpa.org/soc4so is an international standard that tests control procedures in IT organizations.
It ensures that the cybersecurity measures of a service provider are seamless and compliant with global standards.

How was the audit conducted?

Independent auditors have reviewed the processes that help ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our products/services.
They confirmed that these processes are continuous and are authentic as claimed by the company.

Why was the SOC Type II report important?

Diagnocat AI handles a vast set of personal information from patients across the globe. Thus, patients and doctors, both need to feel confident with their data security systems.
Diagnocat’s SOC2 Type II certification guarantees robust data security, crucial for clinics that are discerning with their service providers.


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Dr. Anton Demling
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