Explore cómo la IA puede transformar su práctica clínica

All-in-one artificial intelligence software for 2D and 3D

Mejore su flujo de trabajo con la experiencia Diagnocat, añadiendo mayor claridad a sus imágenes e informes dentales
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Dientes analizados

En radiografías de múltiples fabricantes



De constante investigación y desarrollo utilizando datos reales de todo el mundo.



En el desarrollo del producto participaron dentistas y radiólogos bucales de primer nivel



Actualmente están usando la plataforma.

¿Por qué Diagnocat?

Solución completa de IA

Diagnocat es la única solución capaz de ofrecer herramientas de detección aumentadas por IA para el análisis de imágenes 2D y 3D.


Diagnocat detecta 20 patologías en 2D y más de 65 en imágenes 3D, atendiendo eficazmente tanto a población pediátrica como adulta.


Diagnocat aumentará un 25% la tasa de aceptación de los pacientes y reducirá un 30% los errores de diagnóstico.

Herramientas personalizadas basadas en IA para todos

Lleve su práctica a la vanguardia de la innovación con tecnología avanzada de IA

Practicantes solteros

Al facilitar el proceso de diagnóstico, Diagnocat puede ayudar a los dentistas a realizar diagnósticos precisos y agilizar la formación e integración de nuevos profesionales dentales, al tiempo que fomenta la confianza del paciente para aumentar las tasas de adherencia a los planes de tratamiento recomendados.

Clínicas multiespecializadas y organizaciones de servicios dentales (DSO)

Diagnocat es una solución integral de IA que establece un nuevo estándar para el análisis de imágenes de rayos X, agilizando las consultas iniciales y optimizando los flujos de trabajo clínicos. Facilita la colaboración entre especialistas, fomentando el trabajo en equipo y apoyando a organizaciones dentales establecidas o centros independientes que contratan consultorios de múltiples especialidades.

Laboratorios y centros de diagnóstico

Diagnocat ofrece una segmentación totalmente automatizada de archivos DICOM, específicamente escaneos CBCT, lo que permite la creación perfecta de modelos 3D STL precisos. La plataforma también permite a los usuarios exportar cómodamente archivos STL al software de planificación quirúrgica.

Desbloquea la intelización clínica con Diagnocat

Explore los cinco pasos de la utilización de la IA para transformar el flujo de trabajo de su clínica

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Integre perfectamente Diagnocat con su software de imágenes dentales

Diagnocat ahorra tiempo cargando automáticamente sus imágenes para revisarlas y compartirlas de manera eficiente. Esta aplicación está diseñada para organizaciones de servicios dentales, centros de diagnóstico y clínicas dentales.
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Descubra qué solución se adapta a su práctica

Radiology Report

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Diagnocat’s AI analysis of intraoral X-rays, panoramic X-rays (OPGs), and CBCT images produces an accurate, clear, and concise report of over 65 conditions.

CBCT Segmentation

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Diagnocat AI's automatic segmentation feature transforms CBCT files into a 3D STL model, a pivotal innovation for digital dentistry.

Cloud storage and Viewer

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All dental images and reports are securely stored in your cloud-based personal account, accessible for viewing, uploading, sharing, or printing from any device.

Collaboration Tool*

Collaboration Tool
Introducing Diagnocat’s Platform for Comprehensive Treatment Plan Management that transforms our AI into your virtual dental clinic assistant.

Specialists Reports*

*The availability of Diagnocat products is limited in various countries. Please contact us to check availability in your country.
specialists report
Diagnocat offers a range of specialist reports including the third molar, orthodontic, implantology, and endodontic reports, easily accessible through the platform.


Our superimposition feature offers dental specialists an enhanced view of their patient's oral cavities by combining the advantages of CBCT and intra-oral imagery.


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Dr. Laurens Wiggers
An NVOI-certified dentist-implantologist, specializing in implantology, aesthetic dentistry, and full mouth rehabilitation. Founder & CEO, CIET - Dental Implant Practice, Netherlands.
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Diagnocat’s AI technology is making a significant impact on the dental industry in Canada. It helps both dental professionals and patients better understand oral health. With AI, we can provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans, while patients gain valuable insights into their dental conditions, with the dentist making the final decision. Now is a great time to adopt AI in dentistry, and Diagnocat is leading the way. I recommend this technology to any dental practice looking to improve patient care and stay competitive.

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Jennifer Turner
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I’ve been using Diagnocat in my practice for the last month or so and I have to say it has really changed the way I do my dentistry. At first I was fairly skeptical about using artificial intelligence as I thought that a computer will never replace the hands-on experience and knowledge we as dentists have acquired- myself for the past 27 years. I suppose it was arrogance on my part but needless to say I was hesitant to use it. That has all changed since I started using Diagnocat and I can honestly say that in the last month I have found it to be extremely useful. What it does for me is really confirm diagnosis. It also highlights any parts that I may have missed in the treatment plan and it gives me a much more thorough examination of Digital Files including DICOM and normal X-ray downloads. The beauty of all of this is that it takes less than 5 minutes in the background while you are talking to the patient. I take a CBCT at the start of the appointment. I thereafter load it into Diagnocat and run the report. This is all done in the background as I am talking to the patient. The report is then displayed on my computer in the surgery. I run through the diagnosis and then explain the different concerns to the patient. My patients are really impressed with the technology.

The file is loaded onto a PDF which is then stored in the patients records digitally. There’s no paperwork required, it can be emailed or shared with another practitioner within the practice and without. It really is a useful tool that I personally see being the industry standard in the next 3-5 years as we all move into the digital era and we all try to be more efficient and better clinicians, better diagnosticians and overall offer our patients a much more efficient and effective treatment plan. I can highly recommend this software and personally I think every dentist should be using Diagnocat.

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Dr. Roy Richard-Huson
Principal Smile Designer, Planner And Surgeon at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic, Durban, South Africa
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It is amazing how quickly technology is advancing, and in the medical field it is of utmost importance to keep up with these advancements. 

Diagnoсat is one such technological advancement, with highly accurate AI analysis of dental radiographs. The system is very user-friendly, quick to learn and understand as well as to setup a new patient, upload the radiographs and receive the full analysis.

Since the AI is not influenced by human factors such as the history and area of focus the patient has given, or the cost of treatment, the analysis is impartial and even small dental problems in the beginning phase are picked up, where they may often be missed by the human eye. The practitioner and the patient are provided with clear visual indication of potential problems and can decide together which areas to prioritize in treatment planning.

Many patients are aware of AI playing bigger and bigger roles in everything we do, and are fascinated by the dental application of such a system. It helps in convincing the patient that their treatment is indicated and necessary.

Diagnoсat is a lovely tool to assist the dentist in everyday practice, and with minor adjustments to routine can easily be integrated into the diagnosis and treatment planning phase.

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Dr. Maren Renate Thomson
BChD (UWC), Vice-President, Namibian Dental Association Windhoek, Namibia
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Dr. Diogo Viegas
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Jeffry Tobon
President of Designlab Dental, Canada

Libros blancos

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May 27, 2022

Jean-Marc RETROUVEY, Richard Scott CONLEY

July 22, 2021

Matvey Ezhov, Maxim Gusarev, Maria Golitsyna, Julian M. Yates, Evgeny Kushnerev, Dania Tamimi, Secil Aksoy, Eugene Shumilov, Alex Sanders & Kaan Orhan

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May 19, 2021

S. K. Bayrakdar, K. Orhan, I. S. Bayrakdar, E. Bilgir, M. Ezhov, M. Gusarev, E. Shumilov

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December 18, 2020

K. Orhan, E. Bilgir, I. S.i Bayrakdar, M. Ezhov, M. Gusarev, E. Shumilov

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Upcoming webinar
February 25, 2025 |
5:00 pm
Innovations in Dentistry: Leveraging AI to Enhance Patient Care
Dr. Anton Demling
Upcoming webinar
February 27, 2025 |
5:00 pm
Unlock the Power of PMS and Dental AI: A Dynamic Duo
Upcoming webinar
March 13, 2025 |
5:00 pm
AI in Dentistry: Understanding the Basics

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