Every detail matters and Diagnocat helps you to detect even the first signs of pathology. Here you can see a clinical case where two disciplines meet: endodontics and periodontics.

A CBCT scan was performed as part of the diagnosis, the analysis was accomplished using Diagnocat AI. A furcation defect was found in the area of tooth 16 (3). Subsequently, periodontal treatment was performed and an implant was placed at site 15 (4).

Here we can see how a primary periodontal infection with furcation involvement could initiate or exacerbate inflammatory changes in the pulp tissue, and this would extensively damage the alveolar bone.

A radiological report created by Diagnocat AI enables determination of the exact periapical lesion volume, allowing us to visually assess the healing dynamics.

Diagnocat AI is an perceptive and accurate diagnostic tool that draws the clinician’s attention to the first signs of pathology and ensures the retention of teeth that could, in other circumstances, be extracted.