WEB Talk: Digitalization in Dentistry - Perspectives from doctors through the integration of AI in dental practices and clinics.

Date and Time

March 21, 2024
5:00 pm



Speaker: Dr. medic. stom. Henriette Lerner, Dr. Dr. Nico Laube M.Sc.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is perhaps one of the hottest topics in healthcare today, and it has a dynamic impact on dentistry too.

Join us for an exclusive web talk featuring esteemed dental professionals, Dr. Henriette Lerner and Dr. Nico Laube, as they discuss the transformative process of “digitizing dental medicine.” Gain insights from a practicing doctor and manager, offering perspectives that encompass not only clinical management but also the business aspects involved in the implementation of digital technologies within dentistry.

During this web talk, you will explore the fundamental principles of AI and its potential to revolutionize the traditional role of dentists. We will discuss the ways in which technology can be harnessed to enhance patient care and optimize dental practices. Additionally, you will learn about the key aspects that specialists and managers need to consider during the process of dental digitalization.


Dr. Henriette Lerner
Dr. medic. stom.
Dr. Dr. Nico Laube M.Sc.
Spezialist für Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, private klinische Praxis. Vorstandsmitglied der DGOI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie).


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