Treatment of severe periodontal disease

Picture of Diagnocat


Updated: March 20, 2024
Published: November 20, 2023

Here is a typical periodontal case:
a young patient complains of tooth mobility, sore gums and bleeding while eating and brushing.

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A comprehensive checkup was performed (including a CBCT scan and a periodontal chart).

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With the help of Diagnocat STL reconstruction, the doctor can visualize the osseous defects and emphasize the importance of timely treatment to the patient.

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A cross-sectional radiological report created by Diagnocat AI allows the clinician to detect a subgingival calculus and make an accurate prognosis of each tooth before starting any complex treatment, whilst taking into account all of the endodontic, periodontal and functional criteria.

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Treatment of severe periodontal disease 13

The desired treatment result has been successfully achieved.


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April 24, 2025 |
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