Dr Nekky Jamal — Partnership Announcement

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Updated: May 22, 2024
Published: September 20, 2023

Experts in the dental field continue to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Diagnocat in Canada!

We are delighted to announce an exciting partnership between Diagnocat
and Dr Nekky Jamal, who is an expert on third molar extractions. Dr Jamal is the founder of Third Molars Online, a Continuing Education Platform that empowers and educates general dentists to take on Third
Molar Extractions in their own offices. As well, Dr Jamal lectures extensively across North America teaching Third Molar Extractions, Atraumatic Extractions and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Techniques.

“AI is the next level in dental diagnostics. The precision it brings to the decision-making process is remarkable and worth exploring.” said DR Jamal.

A pioneer in adopting Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry, Dr Jamal is passionate about delivering the best in class treatments for his patients, and teaching AI at the webinars.

His webinar “How AI can help avoid nerve injuries, pick the right cases and master extractions” that took place on May 24th, 2023 had over 500 sign ups with fantastic feedback from the participating doctors. In his webinar, he covered ‘Complex Surgical Extractions Made Simple With The Right Tools’ and ‘Tackling Tricky Third Molars Is Easier with AI Software’ with real cases.

A respected voice in the dental sector, Dr Jamal’s upcoming webinar will take place on the Oct 10th, 8pm ET. He will present ‘Unlocking the Potential of CBCT in Third Molar Extractions: Integrating AI in your Case Selection Criteria.’ This webinar aims to shed light on the pivotal role of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in enhancing the success and safety of third molar extractions, while also showcasing the innovative utilization of AI in assessing the risks associated with such procedures.

 “At Diagnocat, we believe that AI is a game changer to revolutionize our clinical practices, and being able to partner with the leading experts in dentistry is paramount to train the Doctors on how to fully utilize AI. We are proud to collaborate with Dr Jamal on education and other initiatives” said DR Alex Sanders, CEO and Founder, Diagnocat.


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